5 Ways to Encourage Healthy Online Habits in Your Child

We are living in a digital world that’s impossible to imagine without technology which makes it important to encourage healthy online habits .

Children use laptops in schools, and smartphones are a fast and simple way to communicate with parents and friends. 

You can’t keep your kid offline since the internet plays a vital role in their development.

However, the trick lies in encouraging healthy online habits. It’s about balance, what they do and how they behave in the digital world.

Here are some tips to encourage a healthy relationship with the internet and technology overall!

Revise the Websites They Visit

It’s essential for parents to stay in the loop regarding their children’s internet activities.

But kids shouldn’t see you as a threat or someone only looking to forbid something.

You can express interest in the websites they visit and the content they watch. 

Are they playing single-player games online or enjoy multiplayer sessions?

If they go on YouTube, what are they watching?

A child under ten can watch cartoons, but not sensitive content filled with violence.

And finally, do they communicate with others, and which social media do they visit?

Most children are eager to talk about what they do online, especially if you show interest.

But you can also check the internet history and look for inappropriate content.

Parents often rely on the best child safety app for parents that has web filters and safe browsing features.

It’s easy to block websites with adult or other sensitive content but also allow only specific domains and addresses.

Healthy Online Habits

Explain the Dangers of Social Media

According to reports, every fifth US teenager got an invitation for an unwanted sexual talk or activity online.

Although this is a threat in the entire virtual world, it seems social media is the riskiest.

It gathers a large number of predators, so kids and parents must take special precautions.

First, make sure your child understands how social media should work.

Explain that they should use it to communicate with friends and not strangers.

Instagram has a strict policy when it comes to abuse and harassment. The platform does not tolerate any kind of abuse, whether it is directed toward another user or is general harassment. If a user is engaged in abusive behavior, they will be immediately removed from the platform. 

Next, pinpoint that they can’t keep their profile public or reveal sensitive information.

That info could include their current or future whereabouts, home address, etc.

You can help your child create a safe social media profile.

It’s smart to monitor their friend list regularly and it should only have classmates, family members, and other friends you know.

Make Sure Your Child Can Talk to You Anytime

Unfortunately, only 25% of youth persons who  received a sexual approach on the internet shared that with their parents.

Communication is crucial, so look to establish a relationship based on trust with your child.

Encourage them to share anything weird, interesting, or unusual that happened online. 

Make sure you don’t criticize, or you’ll discourage them from sharing again. Instead, try to explain and offer your point of view.

The idea is to be a person your child can turn to in problematic situations.

Furthermore, if they can talk to you about anything, it increases the odds of sharing details about that weird conversation with a potential predator.

And that can prove to be a crucial effort for your child’s safety.

Set Screen Time Restrictions and Lead by an Example

This one is obvious, but it is important for children to spend only a limited time in front of a smartphone or computer.

Sit down and discuss acceptable screen timeframes. Here are some suggestions:

  • Children up to the age of five shouldn’t spend more than two hours online.
  • You can increase the time as they get older, but try to keep it as low as possible.
  • Implement a rule that there’s no technology in the bedroom. It can help your kid get a good rest and optimize their sleep patterns.

The critical thing is to lead by example.

Children might not consider it fair that you get to spend all the time on your laptop while they can’t watch TV.

Not only setting an example is good for your kids, but it will also be a smart move for your well-being and physical health.

Healthy Online Habits

The Power of Joint Activities

If you don’t want your child to spend much time online, you need to offer an alternative.

That’s an excellent window of opportunity to spend quality time together.

For example, you can buy matching bikes and ride them around town. Taking a walk or grocery shopping together can also strengthen the bond and be fun for everyone involved.

Even if you have to stay indoors, there are fun joint activities.

Art and craft projects are tempting for girls, and boys will love DIY projects. And don’t forget the power of board games to spend quality family time.

Ultimately, healthy online habits combine the security of your children and understanding there’s much more the world offers than the internet.

These tips should help establish a routine where your kid will develop a healthy relationship with the technology and social media when they buy 3000 Instagram followers, which can be crucial for their development.

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