5 Tips on How Kids can Sleep Better

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It’s 2 am midnight.

You’re sound asleep with your little one.

Suddenly he woke up crying.

You try your best to soothe him back to fall asleep but this is becoming your daily struggle. 

You wanna make your baby get good night’s sleep and stay asleep throughout the night.

If your kiddo is facing sleep problems and trouble sleeping and you’re worried about your kiddo’s health, we are here to guide you.

Studies show that 15 to 25% of kids and teens have trouble sleeping.

We all know how important sleep is for little kids so as a parent it’s natural that we start worrying about them.

Child specialists say that behavioral changes and sleeping environments can help kids with insomnia.

We understand the severity of this topic. That’s why we are covering you all about your kids’ sleep.

We’ll guide you about the possible causes of your kid’s poor sleep and also share some tips so that they can sleep well.

5 Tips To Get Your Child Sleep Better

We all want to make sure our kids are living a quality life. Sleep is the most important factor that decides the physical and mental health of our kids.

Here are 5 tips from Tots Family’s experts that will help your child sleep better and also you can have a happy bedtime with them.

Create a Bedtime Routine

We humans build habits and stick to those habits.

Similarly we can also train our kids to follow a bedtime routine.

As a parent, you have to create a consistent bedtime routine and make sure your kids follow that routine.

Before going to bed, ask them to take a warm bath, brush their teeth and read a good story book. 

When your kids follow the same routine on a daily basis, they will develop a habit of sleeping on time.

By following the same child’s sleep cycle, they are sure to stay asleep and enjoy uninterrupted and quality sleep.

Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule

As we learned the benefit of consistent bedtime routine, we also need to create a consistent sleep schedule for kids sleep.

When your child will sleep at the same time on a daily basis, he will be habitual of sleeping exactly at that time.

This sleeping schedule will encourage regular sleep and synchronize with your child’s biological clock.

So make sure that your child is following the same schedule until it becomes their habit and they start fall asleep comfortably.

After all, you know habits are hard to change. If they adopt good habits, these habits will stay with them.

Create a Sleep-conducive Environment

Creating a sleep conducive is the third most important and effective tip to fall asleep.

Most parents might not get what it actually is!

Well, let me explain it to you. This means that you must create a peaceful environment for for them to fall asleep.

There are many things that you can do to create a conducive sleep environment such as;

  • As evening draws near
  • Turn down the lights inside
  • Try to keep your child’s room as dark as possible.

How will these things help in fall asleep? Well, when you do it, your child’s normal melatonin levels increase and it helps his internal biological clock.

However, if your kid is uncomfortable with the darkness, you can use a tiny night light in the room.

Other things that you can do are,

  • Comfortable bed
  • Silence and peaceful environment
  • A good Humidifier ( it helps in sleeping better)
  • Aromatherapy (induces sleep)

Limit screen time

This rule is challenging to practice because screens are so common, but it’s well worth it.

A form of blue light emitted by tablets, TVs, and mobile gadgets inhibits melatonin, a hormone that encourages sleep.

Children could be especially at risk of the effects of screen light. 

Furthermore, stimulating the brain, screen usage makes it more difficult to wind down for sleep.

Ideally, electronic gadgets shouldn’t be used within an hour before bedtime and should be kept out of the bedroom. 

As a parent, we have to limit our children’s screen time if we want them to fall asleep on time.

You can add different activities before bed in which no screen is used, so in this way, you do not have to put more effort into convincing them.

Be Patient and Consistent

Last but not the least, you must understand that nothing works overnight and stay patient and consistent to see the results.

You can make these things work better by exercising patience.

Yet, your children will benefit from your patience and composure and work with you more efficiently if you do.

You will see your kid falling asleep and wake up time.


As a parent, we all love our kiddos and try to create the best possibilities where they grow and nourish.

Falling asleep is one of the most important factors that helps them nourish physically and mentally.

As you know, the sleeping issues in younger children are increasing so we seriously need solutions before our kids get insomnia.

Thankfully, particular behavioral modifications and improvements to the sleeping environment will benefit the majority of youngsters with insomnia.

If you follow these tips mentioned above, we’re confident that your kids fall asleep in no time.

Happy parenting!


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