When to Call a Spider Exterminator

It’s easy to think that you have spiders infestation managed in your home so when to call a spider exterminator?

But spider infestations can grow in your home without you even knowing that it’s happening.

Before you know it, you suddenly feel like you’re finding spiders around every corner. 

And that gets old really fast. 

So how do you know when you can handle your spider problems and when you need to call spider pest control?

There are actually some simple ways to figure out if your home has severe spider problems or not.

Let’s take a look:
Close up of spider on girl's shoulder is When to Call a Spider Exterminator

Spider Situations You Can Take Care of Yourself

It’s true, you don’t always have to call spider pest control to take care of your spiders for you.

There are some things you can deal with on your own, which will save you some money.

And it only takes a few minutes to take care of these situations, so you don’t have to worry about it taking time from your busy schedule either. 

Random Spiders

Every home is going to have random spiders showing up from time to time.

This doesn’t mean you have an infestation, it just means that you have a normal home.

You can quickly take care of random spiders in your home in a couple of different ways. 

First, you can try setting out sticky traps to prevent these random spiders from building their webs in your home.

The nice thing about these traps is that they can catch spiders and other pests, so it can solve multiple problems at once. 

Second, when you do come across a spider in your home, you can kill it.

You can do that by squashing the spider or vacuuming it up.

It’s the quickest and simplest way to get rid of spiders. 

But spiders can be beneficial to our environments because they eat other pests.

So if you don’t want to kill the spiders you find in your home, you can trap the spiders with a piece of paper and a cup.

Then you can carry it outside and release it away from your home.

Don’t try to catch a spider with your hands because it may feel threatened and bite you.

Even simple house spider bites can be painful even if they aren’t venomous. 

Occasional Cobwebs

When house spiders come into your home, they build webs to try and catch food.

If the web isn’t catching much food, the spider may move on and leave the web behind. 

It’s normal to find an occasional spider web or cobweb in your home.

You might find these webs in the corners of your home or in quiet areas like storage rooms.

But you’re more likely to find them in sheds or garages. 

When you find spider webs around your home, the best thing to do is to pull it down with a duster or suck it up with a vacuum.

And just like that, the problem is gone. 

Signs You Need to Call Spider Pest Control

Even though you can handle the simple spider problems, there are spider situations that can get so severe that you need help getting rid of them.

At that point, you need to call spider pest control.

Here are the situations you should call professionals to take care of:

More Spiders Showing Up in Your Home

While it’s normal to see an occasional spider in your home, it’s not normal to see spiders frequently.

If you see spiders showing up more and more frequently in your home, it could mean that you have a spider infestation growing in your home. 

More spiders in your home could mean that you also have an infestation of insects in your home.

Spiders aren’t attracted to many things in your home, but they will be attracted to any bugs that might be living in your home. 

So if you start to see more spiders in your home, it’s probably time to call professional spider pest control because there might be a more serious infestation in your home than you thought. 

Aside from seeing a lot of spiders in your home, seeing a lot of their webs around can be a sign that more spiders are deciding to live in your home.

If you start seeing more cobwebs around your home, you should start looking for more spiders as well.

There’s a good chance it means there are more spiders too. 

Another reason to call spider pest control is if you see venomous spiders in your home.

Venomous spiders are dangerous to have in your home around kids and pets, so asking pest control for help will keep you and your family safe from any spiders that could be harmful. 

Spider Egg Sacs Around Your Home

A big sign that you need to call spider pest control is spider egg sacs.

When spiders find a place that they feel is safe and hidden, they may build an egg sac in that spot.

This can be a huge problem for you for a couple of reasons:

First, it means that your spider problem is bad enough that mating is happening.

Enough spiders are around for them to start reproducing.

And if there are spiders reproducing in your home, that means that they are finding enough food and security in your home to feel comfortable leaving their egg sacs in your home. 

The other reason this is a problem is that egg sacs aren’t always easy to find.

But if you find one, there are likely others around as well.

When spiders reproduce, they can literally lay hundreds of eggs, and some females can reproduce up to 15 times.

With hundreds of eggs in each egg sac, you’re looking at a major spider infestation when those eggs start hatching.

There are some ways you can try to get rid of a spider egg sac on your own, but the best way is to call spider pest control.

One reason for this is that if you remove the egg sac incorrectly, you’ll release a whole bunch of baby spiders into your home and maybe all over you.

Another reason is that, if you do have egg sacs around your home, then there may already be a spider infestation, and do-it-yourself methods really aren’t effective enough to take care of a total infestation of spiders. 

This is when to call a spider exterminator.

Do you need some more advice regarding your next home move – check these articles out; Tips to Save Money on Your Next MoveThe Ultimate Moving Checklist and The Ultimate Moving Checklist.

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