Tips for Making Better PPC Ads

Most modern marketers have at least considered the possibility of incorporating pay per click (PPC) ads into their marketing and advertising campaigns so checkout these Tips for Making Better PPC Ads.

PPC ads are simple, effective, and cost-efficient, making them a prime choice for inclusion.

But if you want your PPC strategy to work in your favor, you have to have fantastic ads.

Even an enormous budget and a well-known brand won’t be enough to make up for low-quality or poorly considered PPC ads.

So what can you do to make your PPC ads better?

Couple working on laptop in office - Tips for Making Better PPC Ads

What Is a “Better” PPC Ad?

First, we need to define what makes a “better” PPC ad. What makes one ad better than another?

        Higher quality score

Your Google quality score matters. Google wants to provide the best possible advertising experiences for its users, so it rates your subjective “quality” on a scale of 1 to 10. The higher your quality score, the lower your CPC will be – and the better your ad will perform. It’s a win-win. You can get a better score with better writing, more details, and topical relevance to search users.

        Higher relevance and better reception

Good ads are also targeted to a specific audience. They aren’t generic statements hocking a product; they’re opportunities for a search user to get what they were looking for.

        More clicks and conversions

Ultimately, “better” PPC ads are ones that get more clicks and more conversions. These are the most reliable metrics to evaluate the quality of your ads. If they’re not performing well in these areas, something is wrong.

Doing Research

Before you can write effective PPC ads, you need to do your research.

Namely, you need to research your target audience to get to know them better and research your competition so you know how to deal with them.

The better you understand your environment, the better your ads will be.

Ad Writing

Much of your success will depend on your ability to write compelling ad copy:

        Address the customer’s objective

Your copy should be in line with what the customer is searching for. Try to match their intent and give them exactly what they want.

        Appeal to emotions

Emotionally charged statements often move users to action. Try to evoke nostalgia or pride – or get your audience to laugh!

        Include numbers, facts, and statistics

People are much easier to persuade when you have numbers on your side. For example, instead of saying, “save time every day,” say “save an average of 34 minutes every day.”

        Anticipate objections

Figure out the top two or three objections a search user might have and address them in your ad copy. For example, you might reveal the cost of your product or insist that you’re offering a quick turnaround time.

Ad Formatting

You’ll also need to consider the formatting of your ad:

        Keep your best copy up front

Average consumer attention spans are short and getting shorter. If you want your message to be effective, the most important parts of your copy should be “front loaded” – as early as possible in the message.

        Choose the right URL

Users will look at the URL you choose. Keep it concise and topically relevant to attract more clicks.

        Consider including images

Some PPC ads allow you to incorporate images – especially if you’re selling products directly. Consider using these forms of advertising in addition to written traditional search ads.

Other Factors to Consider

There are a few other factors you’ll need to consider on your journey to create better PPC ads.

For example:

        Keyword targets

Your target keywords and phrases will play a massive role in your PPC campaign’s success.

Not only will these give you the potential to target exactly the right customers at exactly the right stage of the buying cycle, but they’ll also give you an opportunity to evade competition and lower your CPC.

Choose carefully.

        Landing page optimization

Don’t forget about your landing page.

You might be able to generate a steady stream of relevant traffic to your site, but if your landing page doesn’t deliver, the rest of the strategy is going to fall apart.

Optimize your landing page for user experience and for conversions.

        Agility and adaptability

You’re probably not going to nail your PPC strategy your first time.

No one does.

PPC optimization is a process that takes months, if not years to get right.

Be prepared to stay agile and adapt to new information and new circumstances.

If you’re new to the world of PPC advertising, the idea of launching a new strategy, bidding on ads, drafting copy, and maintaining landing pages can seem intimidating.

But once you’re familiar with the basics and you have a good system for measuring, analyzing, and adapting your work, you’ll be in a much better spot.

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