Safety Precautions for Your Child When Around the Swimming Pool


Being cautious and taking Safety Precautions for Your Child When Around the Swimming Pool.

With the summer season approaching, we are spending more and more of our time outdoors.

With the rise of temperatures so does our desire to keep cool and fresh during the sweltering summer heat.

Of all the ways to do that, jumping into your home pool is probably at the very top of the list.

Spending your weekends around your swimming pool with friends and family, having a barbeque, and playing all sorts of games is fun.

However, it can be dangerous, too, especially for your little ones. Studies show that annually, 1 to 4 children drown in their own swimming pool.

That’s why care and concern are imperative.

Here are a few swimming pool safety tips that will ensure you spend your summer in a fun and carefree way.


Safety Precautions for Your Child When Around the Swimming Pool

Safety Precautions for Your Child When Around the Swimming Pool

Keep your children in sight

Parent supervision is probably the best tool when it comes to a child’s safety.

What active supervision means is basically watching the pool without any distractions.

Your full attention should be on kids, and that means – no books and no mobile phones.

Most cases of drowning happen while the parents are inside the house, thinking their children are too.

Keeping track of your kids 100 percent of the time is difficult, but it’s absolutely necessary, especially if you own a swimming pool.


Safety Precautions for Your Child When Around the Swimming Pool

Enroll your child in swimming lessons

As soon as your child is old enough, start with swimming lessons.

It is advisable to do it by the time they’re 4, but even if you haven’t done it yet, don’t let that get you down.

It’s never too late.

On the other hand, if you’re thinking about whether or not it’s too early for your infant to start with these classes, rest assured that it’s not.

There are professionals who will teach your little one to roll and float and later on, how to swim to the edge of the pool.

You can also begin their swimming lessons in your backyard pool. Make sure they wear a toddler life jacket and start their swimming journey.

Invest in a good pool fence

Pool fencing can prevent more than half pool drownings.

It’s the only physical obstacle between the swimming pool and the yard.

It’s one of the most effective layers of protection you can find. There is a variety of options to choose from.

What is great about installing a pool fence is that you can choose custom size plastic sheets that will suit your needs and the area around your swimming pool.

The fence should be at least 4 feet high with a self-closing and self-latching gate. 

Safety Precautions for Your Child When Around the Swimming Pool

Empty inflatable pools after use

The common misconception is that children can’t drown in a baby pool.

The truth is they can drown in as little as an inch of water.

Small children don’t have enough strength to pull themselves up if they slip over.

That’s why it’s very important not to leave the inflatable pools filled with water and unattended.

When you’re finished swimming, empty it and flip it over.

Again, make sure your kids can’t reach it with your supervision. 

Install a safety cover

Another great way to enhance safety measures for your children is to get one of those safety pool covers.

Aside from the fact that they protect your pool during the winter, they can also prevent drowning if your kiddo accidentally falls into the pool.

It’s recommended to use the cover even during the swimming season, whenever you’re not using the pool actually.

Make sure it fits and that it’s secured to prevent your child from getting trapped under it.


Safety Precautions for Your Child When Around the Swimming Pool


As much as parent supervision is crucial, you can’t be at the pool all the time.

That’s where alarms step in.

Equip all the windows, doors, and gates that lead to the pool area with alarms.

By doing this, you’ll ensure you hear the noise every time the door or gate opens.

Another great option is to get a floating alarm which will get off whenever the water is disturbed.

Although it may seem excessive, you can’t get too cautious when it comes to the safety of your children.

Don’t leave toys in the swimming pool

Children may get tempted by the toys floating in the pool and fall in trying to reach them.

To avoid that and the possibility of drowning, you should take out all the toys and floating devices when you finish swimming.

The same thing stands for the pool area.

The children may accidentally slip and fall in the pool while playing with a ball or riding a bike near the pool.

Gather all the toys and put them in a safe place, out of children’s reach until the next swimming session.

Learn CPR

This is a skill useful not only for pool safety.

Since you never know when you might need it, it’s highly recommended that you take the CPR class.

If you have older children, you can take the class together.

Calling 911 is always an option, but in case of emergency, you’ll have to react immediately.

Get CPR instructions printed and keep them near the pool so you might access them easily.

By doing this, you’ll be able to react quickly and wait for EMC.

Here are some first aid steps for drowning victim:

  1. Get a drowning child out of the water ASAP
  2. Open their airway
  3. Check if they are breathing
  4. Check for a pulse
  5. Continue performing CPR until the professional help arrives

The time you spend with your children is precious.

Summer offers an endless list of possibilities and enjoying your pool in the summer is definitely one of everyone’s favorites.

Although it requires a number of safety precautions, watching over your kids doesn’t have to be a daunting task.

By getting clued up about all the ways in which you can prevent accidents, you will put your mind at ease and enjoy your family activities.

That way, you’ll not only protect your children, you’ll also teach them how to take care of themselves and set a great example for the years to come.

Related reading; Dry Drowning – What a Parent Needs to Know, 10 Fun Things to do With the Kids this Summer and 5 Ways to Spend a Summer Day at Little or no Cost.

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