6 Things to Look for in Your Child’s Preschool

The time has finally come – your child is ready to go to preschool.

Unlike public schools, preschool allows parents to choose where they send their kids.

However, a wealth of options creates a struggle in decision-making.

How do you know which preschool is the right one for your child?

It can be challenging to feel confident in any decision you make if this is your first time cycling between options.

To ease those fears, here are six things to look for in your child’s preschool.

6 Things to Look for in Your Child’s Preschool

Photo by BBC Creative on Unsplash

Class Sizes

There are a lot of parents out there who want their children in preschool.

Naturally, this can make classes a little tight.

If you have room to decide, try to find a school with a smaller kid-to-teacher ratio.

In a room of 6 to 10 preschoolers, there should be at least one trained adult.

Additionally, classroom or group sizes should cap off at about 20 students.

If a classroom gets that big, there must be two qualified adults to ensure they can attend to and keep each child safe.

Smaller ratios are often excellent for emotional and social development.

They also make it easier for the teachers to manage all their students’ learning.

Looking at preschool class sizes is a great step toward finding the best school for your kid.

Learning Styles

Currently, there are two prominent options for early schooling – traditional preschool and Montessori schools.

While both aim to educate children, they go about the process differently.

Montessori schools have more of an adaptable curriculum.

Kids have options regarding how they learn different standards, and when, which promotes learning via a child’s natural curiosity.

Preschools offer more structure by allowing kids to participate in group lessons planned out beforehand.

This allows them to present various concepts and topics, so each child learns about them.

What kind of learning style would you prefer your kid experiences?

The answer varies from family to family, so take the time to learn about each before deciding.

Helpful Teachers

Naturally, you’ll want your children to have outstanding educators guiding them through their first schooling experience.

Meeting the teachers beforehand or asking around about the classroom can give you a glimpse into their teaching style.

While children need discipline to learn right and wrong, an educator that’s screaming all the time may not be one you want to go with.

On the other hand, you don’t want them to be too coddling either.

Kids will do bad things from time to time, so finding someone who can skillfully manage those situations is essential.

Look for a teacher – or teachers – who students love even when they’re firm with their rules.

They can provide organization in your child’s life while nourishing their love of learning.

Structured Play

While you want your kid to have freedom of expression, crafts and playtime often serve a purpose.

Its vital students learn something through their activities.

While free play is necessary, structured play can help children be more active, teaching them skills they can take into adulthood.

It could also be an opportunity for educators to include world- or curriculum-based learning into a fun activity.

Kids that age will want to play and need some breaks from schooling, but incorporating knowledge into play could introduce more educational opportunities.

Finding a preschool with structured and free play might be perfect for your child’s education.

If frequent lessons are crucial to you, look for a school that includes both.

Qualified Educators

This is perhaps one of the most important things to look for.

Since this is your kid’s initial experience in learning, you want them to have a qualified instructor.

No matter their education and certification path, first-aid training is a must.

Most public preschools do require teachers to have a bachelor’s degree, while some want their employees to have an associate’s.

However, private institutions have their own sets of standards.

Some schools only ask for a high school diploma to start working at their schools.

Depending on your state and how the preschool operates, they could have fewer requirements for their teachers.

Having qualified educators – meaning proper training, education, and certification – is an excellent thing to find in your child’s preschool.

However, some schools may be fantastic even without all the licensing.

Ask around and see how other parents feel about the education there.

Learning Environment

Getting a sense of how the school operates is a terrific way to assess the learning opportunities in a preschool.

You want your kid to have freedom without chaos and structure without rigidity.

Do the teachers display their students’ art?

Are they free-drawn blobs or cookie-cutter copies of each other?

It might not be a great sign if it looks like the teacher did it or they’re only providing coloring book pages.

Also, it’s important to see if the classroom is stimulating without being too messy.

Are the children absorbed in what they’re doing, or are they distracted, bored, or out of control?

Try to find a happy middle between a bare room with one plaything and utter chaos.

Preschool children should have a good learning environment with loving teachers promoting their education with a gentle, guiding hand.

Picking Out the Right Preschool

There is no set rule on the right or wrong school.

Every kid flourish in different environments, so it’s important to gauge their engagement and development with the teachers.

Look out for these six things to ensure you’re finding the best preschool for your child.


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