I Am Not Super Mom – Taking on the Orange Rhino Challenge: No Yelling For One Year.

I Am Not Super Mom - Taking on the Orange Rhino Challenge: No Yelling For One Year.

photo credit: me and the sysop via photopin cc

I am not Super Mom. It has taken some time to realize that. I cannot take on everything, I cannot do it all on my own.

I seem to have lost every bit of time management skills I had before I was a mom. I was capable of multi-tasking and getting so much done. Now, I’m lucky if the house is not a complete disaster and there are clean diapers. That doesn’t even count throwing in my ever-expanding work schedule. What started off as a max of 15 hours a week has expanded to full time. So I juggle work and home. I know so many people who can do it. I need some tips. I get so frustrated and stressed and its not fair to the kid. It’s not his fault I’m working again.

For his sake (and my stress level), I’m going to try the Orange Rhino challenge, again.For those of you who have never heard of the Orange Rhino challenge, it is a challenge not to yell for 365 days.  Yep, ONE WHOLE YEAR.  From her challenge page: “The Orange Rhino’s™ Original Challenge Details: No Yelling for 365 days straight. If I yell, I am back to Day 0. If I use a Raging Scream, then I am set back to -2 days. The “firm voice” and “oopsie snap” are permitted as is yelling in emergencies.”  She breaks down voices into a yelling meter, which is really helpful.  There is a Facebook group and a private forum for support.  She has alternatives to yelling on her site, some of which are really silly and fun for the kids.  In all, its a great program to help with the yelling.  And you know what… Yelling still happens.  No one is perfect.

But I need more tips. How do you ladies do it? What can i do to make it all work again, besides giving up sleep completely? I get so overwhelmed when I read all the articles on the Internet, and see all these other moms who make it look so easy. Somehow, it was a million times easy to juggle a ridiculously over full time job in public accounting, but I can’t seem to manage a house and a job. The hubby just doesn’t get it, either. Once he leaves work, that’s it. He’s off. My job isn’t so simple. When I leave, while yes I am not physically there, I am still available if the need arises. That sucks, by the way. I would love to cut ties once I’m off the clock, but I’ve noticed if I ignore the problem until I’m back in the office, somehow it has grown two-fold. I suspect that comes from having a job where you are constantly trying to keep 500+ women happy.

So to all the other moms out there who somehow do it all, what are your tips to keep my sanity?


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