How To Be Nice – 7 Ways From A 7 Year Old

When my 7 year old came to me with a list of her 7 ways on How To Be Nice I was not only a bit proud of her but I also realized that this was something I could live by as well.  My oldest daughter has always been a child who needed her ‘alone time’ but getting to have that when you have a 5 year old sister and a 3 year old brother can not always be that easy.  This can often lead to a very moody and grumpy 7 year old.  So when her sister and brother started calling her mean she wasn’t at all happy. In fact she was a bit hurt.

How To Be Nice – 7 Ways From A 7 Year Old

photo credit: Kalexanderson via photopin cc

To a  7 year old, wanting to have her own space isn’t being mean but to the little sister and brother who want nothing but to be around her it can be.  She couldn’t understand why they didn’t understand  “I just don’t feel like being nice All The Time.  They are annoying and I want to be by myself sometimes.”  I must admit this is a part of myself I am beginning to see in her.  She has days and moments when she simply wants time to herself and having a younger sister and brother is more of a bother than a blessing.

So the other day when she came to me and said she had figured out “How To Be Nice” I was definitely curious as to where this was going.  That’s when she produced her list…

How To Be Nice

Share With People
Help People
 Love Your Family
Be Thankful
Listen To People
 Listen To Your Parents
 Talk Nice To My Sister & Brother

When I asked how she came up with the list she said she didn’t want them to call her mean anymore and that she loved them so she was going to try to be nice more. As I looked over her list I realized that these weren’t only good tips for a child but me as an adult as well.  How often do we forget how to be nice simply because we are so focused on what we want?  I know I have done it.  I’ve been so caught up in my own feelings that I forget sometimes my moods are impacting the people around me.

I am so glad that even at age 7 my daughter understands that she can change and that learning how to be nice isn’t so hard after all even with an annoying little sister and brother!

Do you have a moody child?

How do you teach them to deal with other children?

Do you follow any of the “How To Be Nice’ Tips?


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