Best Flowers To Plant In Spring

Best Flowers to Plant in Spring

Spring is headed our way and for most of us, it can’t get here fast enough so let’s review the best flowers to plant in spring.

Spring is the perfect season when the weather starts to get warmer, trees are beginning to bud and gardens are blooming with beautiful flowers.

There are flowers that you can plant in the spring and enjoy throughout the spring and summer months.

Best Flowers to Plant in Spring


Pansies are annuals that love the cooler weather.

It is one of the best flowers that you can plant in the early part of spring to produce cheery petals and vivid colors.

Their ideal growing conditions are soil that is moist and sun or at least partial shade.

Yellow Trillium

The Yellow Trillium is truly a spring flower.

The great thing about these plants is that the flowers will die off in June and the foliage recedes as well but in the spring will produce yellow-white blooms and marbled leaves.

They need moist soil and shade in order to grow properly.


Hellebore flowers are also called a Christmas rose or Lenten rose.

Hellebore flowers are beautiful to look at and a very resilient.

They are popular to plant in the spring due to the fact that they can tolerate light frosts.

Hellebores need moist soil and shade to thrive well.


Bloodroots produce white flowers that last well into the latter part of spring.

They do well in moist soil and shaded areas.

Snowdrop Anemone

Snowdrop Anemones are flowers that are not only bring in color but they smell amazing as well.

These flowers are produced in clusters and will sometimes bloom again in the fall.

They grow best with moist soil and either full sun areas or partly shaded spots.


Lilacs are probably a spring favorite flower when it comes to fragrance.

Freshly picked lilacs can make your entire kitchen smell wonderful.

They are flowers that come in all different shapes as well as sizes.

The soil for lilacs must be well-drained and they need full sun.

Grape Hyacinth

The Grape Hyacinth is a bulb flower that arrives in clusters.

They get their name because they look much like clusters of grapes.

They need to have well-drained soil to grow as well as either full sun or part shade.

Spring is headed our way and for most of us, it can’t get here fast enough. 

Spring is the perfect season when the weather starts to get warmer, trees are beginning to bud and gardens are blooming with beautiful flowers.

There are flowers that you can plant in the spring and enjoy throughout the spring and summer months and that can also be purchased in a calgary flower shop.

Be sure to also see the Best Fruits and Vegetables to Plant in Spring here.

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